Visit of the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli to Vladimir

On December 02, 2015 the President of the Russian Academy of Arts visited the city of Vladimir to take part in the program of the cultural and educational center “Chambers” including the creative meeting “Artist Zurab Tsereteli and Poet Andrey Voznesensky. The History of Friendship”.

Zurab Tsereteli shared his memories about their close acquaintance and joint work on the sculpture “Eternal Friendship” and presented as a gift to the Center his sculptural portrait of Andrey Voznesensky – bronze relief from his vast series “My Contemporaries”.

He also gave a master class in painting for students of the Center’s studio. Within the program there was a presentation of Andrey Voznesensky’s book “The Mosaic of Reminiscences: Andrey Voznesensky and the Vladimir Region”.  

Zurab Tsereteli visited the rich collection of the cultural and educational center “Chambers” covering the period from the 12th century to modern paintings of the Vladimir Region.    

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