A Farewell of Slavyanka Monument Was Unveiled at the Belarus Railway Station in Moscow

On May 8, 2014 at the Belarus railway station in Moscow there was an unveiling ceremony for the Farewell of Slavyanka monument created by a group of sculptors and architects headed by the People’s Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Salavat Scherbakov. The sculptural composition depicts a scene of a farewell of a soldier with his mother, wife or sister. Slavyanka means “Slavic woman”.

The Russian Minister of Culture and Chairman of the Russian Military and Historical Society Vladimir Medinsky who initiated the construction of the monument said: “This is a monument to no concrete man and even a musical melody. Today, we are unveiling this monument on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WWI and on the eve of the Victory Day as a monument to love, honor, fidelity and faith”. The ceremony was also attended by the President of the Russian Railways Co. Vladimir Yakunin.

The Farewell of Slavyanka is a Russian patriotic march by the composer Vasily Agapkin written and premiered in the end of 1912. During WWI Russian soldiers left their homes for the front accompanied by this music. The march was also performed during the parade on November of 1941 on the Red Square in Moscow, after which soldiers went strait to fight in the Battle of Moscow.

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