The People’s Artist of the USSR and Russian Federation Peter Ossovsky Has Been Awarded the Orders of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Patriarchate

On October 2, 2012 at the session of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts the People’s Artist of the USSR and RF, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Peter Ossovsky informed about his participation in the events in honor of the 1150th anniversary of the Town of Izborsk where there had been an opening of his exhibition of wall paintings entitled “Izborsk Chamber of the Russian Language and Literature and Russian Orthodox Faith”.

The wall paintings of the Izborsk Chamber created by the artist are his dedication to the Pskov land, its great past and present, severe Northern nature and people of the Pskov region who from the old times were destined to protect the Russian borders from invaders. In his murals Peter Ossovsky has emphasizes the spiritual power of Pskovians, their readiness to sacrifice their lives in the fight against enemies, devotion to their native land.

At the session of the Presidium Peter Ossovsky was presented with the Order of the Russian Academy of Arts “For Significant Contribution to Art”, as well as the Patriarchate’s Order of Andrew Rublev.

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