ART IN THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN STATE: XXII Alpatov Readings at the Russian Academy of Arts

The Russian Academy of Arts invites you to take part in and to attend the 22nd annual Alpatov Readings on the topic: Art in the History of the Russian State that will take place at the Russian Academy of Arts, 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow in November, 2012. This international research conference is to be held in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Celebration of the 1150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Russian Statehood”.

Applications for participating in the 22nd Alpatov Readings at the Russian Academy of Arts shall be sent to Inga V. Yudenich, the Adviser to the Department of Art History and Art Criticism of the Russian Academy of Arts: E-mail; tel: 8 495 637 5633

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