A new monument will appear in Israel soon.
The sculptor of this monument is Zurab Tsereteli, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia and Georgia.
This bronze sculptural composition represents six persons- five adults and one child.
A small child with his young mother and his father are in the background. Three other prisoners try to cover them with their bodies protecting them. Mother put her hands to the child’s eyes in order to preserve him from the horror. All the full sized figures are cast in bronze. The height of the monument with its pedestal is 2,70 m. Height of figures 1,80 m
On the pedestal a bronze slab with an engraved inscription in Russian, English and Hebrew stating "From V.V.Putin, President of the Russian Federation" will be attached. On April 28, 2005 during the official visit of V.V.Putin, President of the Russian Federation, to Israel the monument will be installed and inaugurated in the Israeli President’s Residence.
The term holocaust is from Greek holokaustos, which literally means "burnt completely by fire" In modern scientific literature and journalism it designates the Nazi Germany and its allies and aiders policy consisting in prosecution and extermination of 6000000 Jews in 1933-1945.
It was used for the first time by writer Eli Wiesel, future Nobel Peace Prize laureate, as a symbol of gas chambers and crematoriums of concentration camps.
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