Exhibition of Photographs by Alexei Kondratyev in Tsereteli Art Gallery
25 January – 3 February 2008
The exhibition entitled 21st Century: Reverberation in Tsereteli Art Gallery presents photographs by Alexei Kondratyev, a photographer for the Russian Government, private photographer for seven Heads of the Russian Government.
Alexei Kondratyev has devoted his life to creating portraits of our outstanding contemporaries playing key roles in the nation’s history, among them are politicians, businessmen, figures of science and culture.
In his black-and-white photo portraits made in the traditions of classical photography, Kondratyev is keen not only on the official position, but mostly on the peculiar individuality of those who became a focus of his interest. His portraits are dynamic, full of inner energy and make the viewers co-participants of home history.
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