The Renewed Exhibition of Architectural Department of Scientific Research Museum of Russian Academy of Arts
On August, 9 at the Scientific Research Museum of Russian Academy of Arts the renewed exposition of architectural department opened. Constant exhibition “Saint-Petersburg in the Architectural Models, Sketches, Water-colours and Litographies of XVIII-XIX Centuries”is not only a show of splendid project models of the most beautiful buildings of Saint-Petersburg (the Smolny monastery built by the architect F.B.Rastrelli, Exchange by Thomas de Thomon, building of the Academy of Arts by J.B.Vallen Delamotte, two models of Isaakievsky cathedral – architects A.Rinaldi and A.Montferrand, but also a unique model of Trinity cathedral of Alexandro-Nevskaya lavra by German master T.Schwertfeger, who worked in Saint-Petersburg in the time of Peter the Great. Now visitors have a wonderful opportunity to compare two models of the Trinity cathedral – by Schwertfeger, that was built in 1720-s in the style of Northern barocco and does not exist now and another one, built at the same place by I.E.Starov in the style of classicism.
Exposition is opened with the hall, dedicated to Moscow – ancient capital of Russia – with the model of Saviour’s tower of Moscow Kremlin (architect P.A.Solario, 1491), executed by the unknown master at the second half of the XIX century. In autumn of 2006 at the same hall it is planned to show architectural sketches and measurements of the several cathedrals of Moscow.
Water-colours, prints and litographies are directly connected with architectural chef-d’ouvres, presented by models. At the exhibition the graphic works of F.V.Perrault (1808-1841) – “Ohta”, St. Nikolai’s Cathedral”, “Winter Palace”, “Exchange”. These are the sheets from the series of sights of Saint-Petersburg and its suburbs, executed by the French artist Ferdinand-Victor Perrault by the order of the editor and owner of the prints shop D.Datsiaro at the time of his staying in Russia. All 17 works that are kept in the museum come from the collection of the Great Duke Nicolai Nicolaevich the Elder (and later – his son Great Duke Peter Nicolaevich) and were situated at the estate Znamenka near Saint-Petersburg.
A very interesting sheet by K.K.Shtelba (1821-1894), which reproduce the sight of the higher vestibule of the Academy of Arts in 1895. It is unique, because it kept the sight of the choir of the second floor, which was lost.
The exposition also includes two perspectives from the drawings of M.Mahaev – prints by G.A.Kachalov and Y.Vasiliev; water-colour by J.-B.Wallen-Delamotte, water-colour by A.Montferrand and other works.
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