The exhibition of Z.Tsereteli in the Central Exhibition Hall “Manegh”.
February, 26, 2006. Cental Exhibition Hall "Manegh" opens a personal exhibition of artworks of Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli - the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s artist of the USSR, Russia and Georgia, member of the French Academy of Fine Arts, the Spanish Royal Academy of Fine Arts San Fernando, Kirghiz Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary Professor of Brockport University (USA), UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.
The exhibition in “Manegh” will have retrospective character. The exposition will include works of different years, and also set of master’s new works. It is painting, sculpture, graphic, enamel. On display are picturesque canvases possessing extraordinary colorful force - still-life, portraits, genre works.
The exposition will include also design projects, works of an applied art. Z.Tsereteli's active creative activity has been noted by its election in Public Chamber at the President of the Russian Federation and rewarding by an award " For merits before Fatherland " II decree.
Tsereteli’s Personal Exhibition in Manegh
Date: 27.02.2006
Source: Press-service
On February 27th, 2006 in the Central Exhibition Hall “Manegh” there was an official opening of the exhibition of president of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli.
The artist told to the Radio station “Mayak” - “ I’m making a reporting exhibition to check and understand how people feel art. Before when I held exhibition in “Small Manegh” (1998) I was happy and it gave me positive energy. Muscovites are intellectual and literate people and I believe in them”.
At a press conference before the opening there were more than 100 representatives of various mass media: from leading TV channel “Russia”, printed editions to Internet mass media. Opening press conference vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts D.O. Shvidkovskiy noted that the exhibition anticipated and launched the programme of events for celebrations of the 250th anniversary. At the press conference spoke senior scientific secretary of the Russian Academy of Arts M.M. Kurilko-Rumin, vice-president of the Academy E.N.Drobickiy and other members of the presidium. Z.K Tsereteli answered questions of journalists, including on modern position of young artists in Russia: "It concerns each of members of Presidium, each academician to create such structure which would help the young artist who received formation in Russia to remain here and create for our country works which in due course could become museum values ". A plenty of questions about the 250th anniversary of Academy also have not been remained without the answer: "On August 31st, 2005 Decree on celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Arts was signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued. The anniversary is included in number of significant dates which marks UNESCO in 2007. Recently the Academy was visited by the President V.V.Putin, he met heads of academic high schools, members of Presidium and familiarized with a course of preparation for celebrations ". At press conference the artist also declared "to exhibit works at the restored Manegh was his dream ".
“For me to show works in one of the main exhibition halls of the country is a great honor ", - told president of the Russian Academy of Arts.
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