The Russian Academy Of Arts


04.01.2024 -

On January 4, 2024 the eminent painter, monumentalist, sculptor, tutor and public figure, the People’s Artist of the USSR, Georgia and Russia, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli is marking his 90th jubilee. The power of character and boundless energy, the audacity of the experimenter and amazing artistic vision make up the portrait of Zurab Tsereteli – the master who through his creative searches managed to combine in his work all types, genres and techniques of fine arts. The artist’s multi-faceted talent has revealed itself in his canvases, graphic sheets, large-scale architectural and sculptural complexes, impressive monuments, round sculpture, enamels, mosaic, reliefs and colorful stained glasses. In various periods Zurab Tsereteli has successfully managed and participated in major national and international art projects: in the 1970s – 1980s – the Chief Artist of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs; in 1980 – the Chief Artist of the Olympic Games in Moscow; in 1995 – the Artistic Designer of the Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow; since 1995 – the Head of the Interior Decoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior recreated in Moscow, since 2014 - the Chief Supervisor of the Project for Beautification of the Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade (Serbia).


Zurab Tsereteli’s unique works adorn streets and squares, state and public buildings in many cities of Russia, CIS and other countries. Among the artist’s recent works are such great sculptural projects as “The History of the Russian State” and “The History of Georgia” in Tbilisi created for many decades.


The master honors the traditions of the academic school, the lessons taught by the noted masters V. Shuhaev, B. Charlemagne, E. Lanceray. At the same time Tsereteli is open to new models of a dialogue with the viewer and brilliantly works in the space of contemporary art. Each of his drawings and canvases is a galaxy produced by the artist’s bold imagination. It is implemented in concrete characters and subordinated to the world of countless colors and their shades presenting the viewer the whole universe of meanings and experiences.


The artist is equally interested in the study of reality and the nature of the unconscious and creates works distinguished by his expressive individuality. The multi-sided activity of Zurab Tsereteli has been appreciated by high honors and awards of Russia and many other countries.


In 1995, Zurab Tsereteli initiated the establishment of the first in Russia Museum of Modern Art (Moscow), which core was the artist’s private collection of Russian avant-garde art; in 2000 he opened the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts in Prechistenka street in Moscow, in 2012 – founded the Museum of Modern Art in Tbilisi. The master is full of creative energy, persistently realizes his ideas and concepts, generously shares his rich professional experience with younger generations of artists.


Since 1997 Zurab Tsereteli has been heading the Russian Academy of Arts. Under his leadership the Academy has been efficiently reformed; now it unites artists of various trends and creative directions, heads of major Russian museums, outstanding Russian and international figures of art and culture. Solving problems of the national significance the Russian Academy of Arts remains one of the leading institutes of culture in Russia. On December 21, 2021 by the decision of the 584th General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab K. Tsereteli was re-elected as the President of the Russian Academy of Arts for a term of five years.


The Presidium and the scientific and creative team of the Russian Academy of Arts have congratulated Zurab Tsereteli on his 90th Jubilee: The Letter of Greetings runs:


Dear Zurab Konstantinovich,

     We would like to extend to you our cordial congratulation on your Jubilee!

You are an eminent artist, iconic personality, man of universal talent and extraordinary generous soul. Your artworks are known worldwide thanks to your phenomenal talent, high professionalism and unique efficiency. The man of great heart and human qualities you have helped many people in need and provided your charitable support to talented artists.

     In the hard years for Russia, due to your organizational talent and vision of a statesman you have managed to preserve the Russian Academy of Arts and determined its development vectors for many years to come. We sincerely share your concerns about the future of Russian art and highly appreciate you efforts for preservation and promotion of the academic school, revival of the artistic and industrial complex of the nation, as well as development of the fundamental science in art.

     We are proud to work under your leadership and express our firm commitment to support you in your endeavors for the benefit of the promotion of Russian fine arts and culture. We sincerely wish you brilliant health, happiness, joy, love, the family prosperity, every success in your multi-sided activity and inspiration for new achievements”.


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