The Russian Academy Of Arts

ART, NATURE, SPORT: International Scientific and Creative Project

20.12.2013 -

The Russian Academy of Arts and UNESCO International Chair for Fine Arts and Architecture of the Russian Academy of Arts invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Creative Project: ART – NATURE – SPORT that will take place at the Russian Academy of Arts (21 Prechistenka street, Moscow) on January 23-25, 2014.

The project is aimed at the elaboration of an interdisciplinary scientific and creative program that will unite specialists of various fields in the discussion on human nature and transformation of human physiological and intellectual potential, cognitive abilities, evolution of the environment and impact of these processes on today’s people who are a part of the nature.

The project is planned to include an international exhibition of the same name, competition of children’ drawings, as well as a panel discussion “ART – NATURE – SPORT: Facets of the Unlimited”.

Topics to be discussed at the panel discussion:
- Biosphere and Noosphere: Flight of the Creativity or Crisis of the Universe?
- Motion as a Factor of Human Transformation and Environment: Rationality, Expressiveness, Aesthetics;  
- Physical Training and Sport as an Integral Part of Human Culture;
- Physical Training and Sport in the Mirror of Visual Culture;
- Art and Sport: On Some Forms of  Interaction of Physical and Visual Culture;
- Olympic Games - Synthesis of Sport, Nature and Art.

Applications and summaries of papers shall be sent not later than January 19, 2014 to

Contact information: Tatyana Kochemasova, Nadezhda Mukhina
                                   Tel: +7 495 637 7679

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