The Russian Academy Of Arts

I Am an Author: Exhibition of Works by Participants of the All-Russian Festival of Children’s Art

14.11.2011 - 14.11.2011

Exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts 21 Prechistenka street, Moscow

The Russian Academy of Arts presents works by participants of the All-Russian Festival of Children’s Art. The Festival “I am an Author” has been organized by the All-Russian Society of Invalids under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RF, Ministry of Education of the RF, Ministry of Culture of the RF, the Government of Moscow, “Philanthropist” Foundation. The President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli welcomed the attendees of the opening ceremony on November 4th, 2011.

The participants of the Festival are physically challenged and healthy children from 22 regions of Russia. The level of their skills is different and their age ranges from 10 to 18, but in the creative work all are equal. Every young author is distinguished by his original talent.

The exhibition also includes 23 works by nine students and graduates of the Correspondence Public University of Arts who in spite of their disabilities have become or are going to be professional artists.

“The exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts, first, is a proof of the high level of the Festival and the respect we show to our children” – said the Head of the Organizing Committee, Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Invalids, Deputy of the State Duma A.V. Lomakin-Rumyantsev. “Second, the exhibition showcases to children and adults, that the results of the creative work are not determined by physical abilities. Looking at the painting, you do not see its author, you feel his spiritual world executed in the final result”.



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