The Russian Academy Of Arts

Gift of Zurab Tsereteli to the City of Yaroslavl

14.04.2010 - 14.04.2010

In honor of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli will present as a gift to the city a bronze bear that is a symbol of Yaroslavl. It will be a centerpiece of the city park in honor of its 1000th anniversary on the embankment of the Kotorosl River. Zurab Tsereteli has proposed his own artistic design – the bear standing on two legs is holding a big fish. The three-meter tall sculpture has already been completed and appreciated by the city authorities.

In the middle of the 17th century the bear considered as a founder of a tribe and a family became a symbol of the town of Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl land. This cult has been reflected in the legend about the foundation of Yaroslavl. The bear was depicted walking with a cane and carrying a chisel or a banner on his shoulder. In 1672 in the emblem of the Yaroslavl Principality there appeared a bear with a partisan on his shoulder. It symbolized prudence and power. The present design of the city emblem is related to the above historical traditions.

In the Yaroslavl region in Borisoglebsk there are two monuments by Zurab Tsereteli: to Alexander Peresvet, hero of the battle of Kulikovo (2005) and to St. Irinarch the Reclude (2006).

The jubilee festivities are planned to take place in Yaroslavl on September 10-12, 2010.



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