The Russian Academy Of Arts


04.01.2024 -

Dates and venues:

-December 27, 2023 – January 25, 2024 - “HERE IN TAGANKA” GALLERY  (22 Bolshaya Andronievskaya street, Moscow);

-December 30, 2023 – February 4, 2024 – “KITAI GOROD” GALLERY(4 Ilyinka street, front door N5, 3rd floor, rooms 92-94, Moscow);

-January17, 2024 – February 11, 2024 – “AZ GALLERY” (39 Starokonyushenny

 Pereulok, Moscow)

The “Moscow Exhibition Halls” Association in partnership with the Russian Academy of Arts have organized several exhibitions of works by the eminent  artist  Zurab Tsereteli timed to the master’s 90th jubilee. His canvases, enamels and sculptures of small forms will be on display in the galleries “Here in Taganka”, “Kitai Gorod” and “AZ Gallery”.

The Georgian and Russian monumentalist, sculptor, painter and teacher Zurab Tsereteli is world renowned. The People’s Artist of the USSR, Georgia and Russia, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, holder of numerous state and professional honors and awards he is the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, founder of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and Tsereteli Art Gallery Museum and Exhibition Complex (19 Prechistenka str., Moscow). Zurab Tsereteli is an author of more than 5000 works of painting, graphics, sculpture and monumental-decorative art. Although he is better known as a sculptor, Tsereteli actively works  in painting, creates serigraphy and enamels.

The artist’s canvases are distinguished by a distinct character combining various styles and directions. Tsereteli masterfully shows the scale and greatness of his pictorial ideas in forms of everyday life. His painting is a dynamic and powerful space full of meanings and emotions which can be read from his canvases. The artist strives to convey simple beauty with a note of fantasy. At first glance the plots are quite ordinary, but of major importance for Tseretely are a moment of mystery and a metaphorical component. The folk culture, traditions and humor play a significant role in his painting. Through grotesque the master reveals this very mystery and metaphor in his works.  The romantic fantasy and magic realism are part of his art concept.

Within the series of the above Jubilee exhibitions it has been planned by the “Moscow Exhibition Halls” Association to arrange the presentation of an artwork by Zurab Tsereteli as a gift to the team of the “Bellingshausen” Russian Antarctic Station. On January 2, 2024 the Deputy Director of the Association Yury Y. Ushkov visited the “Bellingshausen” and presented to the Head of the Station Kirill V. Kuchinsky Tsereteli’s canvas “The Sailing Ship”  (2021, oil on canvas, 40cm). The Association members are confident, that works by great masters should inspire millions of people of our huge Motherland and art can be really nearby.   

The “Bellingshausen” is a Russian Antarctic Station on King George (Waterloo) Island as part of the Shetland Islands. It is named after Faddey Bellingshausen and founded by the Soviet Antarctic expedition on February 22, 1968. It is the northernmost Russian Antarctic Station.  


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