The Russian Academy Of Arts


02.12.2023 - 03.03.2023

Dates: December 2, 2023 – March 3, 2024

Venue: “Posadsky House” of the Vladimir and Suzdal Museum-Reserve (148 Lenin street, Suzdal)

The Russian Academy of Arts and the Vladimir and Suzdal Museum-Reserve present the exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab K. Tsereteli entitled “Two Jubilees” and timed to the 90th jubilee of the world renowned artist and the upcoming 1000th anniversary of the first chronicle mention of Suzdal.

The artworks by Zurab Tsereteli  will be displayed in the unique monument of the 17th century architecture – “Posadsky House” which interior decoration for several months will allow the viewers to enjoy an amazing atmosphere of the master’s studio - the Georgian home with a table and easel, his photographs  and canvases, enamels and sculptures.

Zurab Tsereteli is an eminent Russian sculptor and artist whose works can be seen around the world. He is a Man of the Renaissance who is proficient in all forms and types of fine arts.  His creative work leaves no one indifferent. Well-known is Zurab Tsereteli’s charitable activity, he has donated his monuments to many cities in Russia and other countries, on the regular basis gives master classes in painting to students and children. For many years the celebrated sculptor has maintained friendly relations with the old town of Suzdal. It was Zurab Tsereteli who responded to the call of the Vladimir and Suzdal Museum-Reserve to revive the chapel-monument at the grave of the Russian national hero Dmitry Pozharsky in Spaso-Evfimiev monastery: Tsereteli recreated according to the old drawings and presented as a gift the bas-relief for the shrine. The artist also donated several of his artworks to the Museum-Reserve.  The “Two Jubilees” exhibition has been conceived as a token of gratitude to the artist for his artistic contribution to Suzdal.

About the artist: Zurab Tsereteli was born in Tbilisi (Georgia) on January 4, 1934. In the early 1950s he enrolled at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts where he majored in painting. After graduation from the Academy he worked at the Georgian Institute of Ethnography. The study of ancient monuments, his impressions of old Georgian ancient mosaics, enamels and wall paintings have much influenced his monumental and sculptural art. The master has created hundreds of well-known sculptures, statues and busts that found their home in many countries across the world. Tsereteli can rightfully be called a citizen of the world: his studios are located in his native Tbilisi, Moscow, Paris, New York. His work in each of these cities has much contributed to the development of his individual style.

In 1995 Zurab Tsereteli founded the Moscow Museum of Modern Art  - the first state museum in Russia dedicated to contemporary art, that was officially inaugurated in 1999. In 1997 Zurab Tsereteli was elected the President of the Russian Academy of Arts and has been heading the Academy up to the present.  In 2001 in Moscow there was opened Tsereteli Art Gallery, that is part of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts. In 2012 the artist founded the Museum of Modern Art in Tbilisi.

For his great achievements and significant contribution to fine arts and culture Zurab Tsereteli has received numerous honors and awards: the People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia, Hero of the Socialist Labor, the Laureate of the Lenin and several USSR State Prizes, the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the Full Knight of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France) and many other Russian and international orders.  

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