The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Reverberation of Rhythms: Solo Show of Paintings by Vitaly Korobeinikov at the Russian Academy of Arts

08.11.2011 - 20.11.2011

On show at the Russian Academy of Arts are 40 paintings by the People’s Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vitaly Korobeinikov created by the artist for the last five years. The exhibition entitled “The Reverberation of Rhythms” marks the 40th anniversary of his creative work.

“I love nature and people in the nature” – this is a creative credo of Vitaly Korobeinikov, the noted painter from the Kuban region. He was born in Krasnodar in 1950, in 1971 he graduated from the Krasnodar Art College and in 2001 – the Krasnodar State University for Culture and Arts where he majored in monumental and decorative arts. Since 1985 – a Member of the Artists’ Union of Russia.

In the mid-1980s Vitaly Korobeinikov became one of the leaders and distinguished representatives of the “new wave” of Krasnodar artists. The landscape and still life are the basics of his work. He has created his own individual type of a landscape-canvas devoted to the Kuban land. In his compositions is embodied a philosophical essence of his world outlook. His paintings show a wealth of color, masterly portrayal of light and turbulent movement of bright colors so typical for the nature of his homeland.

Vitaly Korobeinikov is also known as a public figure. He has made a significant contribution to the renovation of the art life in the Kuban region and first of all the Krasnodar Branch of the Union of Artists which he headed for many years. It is due to his efforts that the famous creative house of artists in Goryachy Klyuch obtained a new life. The festival in Sochi, major regional exhibitions have showcased the works by Kuban artists as an integral part of Russian art.

Vitaly Korobeinikov is a holder of many honors and awards. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, Diploma of the Russian Ministry of Culture “For the Significant Contribution to the Promotion of Russian Fine Arts”, the Regional Prize in the Field of Culture and Arts for a series of his works.

The artist’s paintings have been exhibited in many Russian and international art shows, they are in museum and private collections in Russia, France, Italy, the United States and other countries.  

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