The Russian Academy Of Arts

Monument to Joseph Brodsky Sculpted by the People’s Artist of Russia George Frangulyan Was Unveiled in Moscow

31.05.2011 - 31.05.2011

On May 30, 2011 in Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow was unveiled a monument to the poet Joseph Brodsky, who had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The sculptor of the monument is the People’s Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts George Franfulyan. The architect is Sergey Skuratov. The sculptural composition depicts the figure of the poet standing in the center of the granite base between two groups of people.

George Frangulyan has worked on the monument for seven years. The main idea was not to show the poet who was persecuted by the authorities and expelled from the Soviet Union, but to disclose his inner world. As the sculptor put it: “He is a Nobel Prize Winner, of the American period, at the height of his fame”.  

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