The Russian Academy Of Arts

Concert of the Choir of Azure Hills in Tsereteli Art Gallery

13.04.2010 - 13.04.2010

Devoted to the Year of France in Russia the concert in Tsereteli Art Gallery (19 Prechistenka street, Moscow) includes the French and Russian music to be performed by the Choir of Azure Hills. The Choir was established by the Professor of the Nice Conservatoire Fabien Verge in 1989 and unites fifty persons of diverse age and professions from the city of Gattiers and neighboring communes of Azure Hills.

In 2005 it was named after the area in the valley of the Var river not far from Nice. The repertoire of the Choir contains spiritual, classic, modern music and folk songs. In 2006 the Choir’s concerts took place in Moscow, Yaroslavl and Kostroma. In the April of 2010 the Choir will visit St. Petersburg, Moscow Yaroslavl and Vladimir.

The program of the concert in Tsereteli Art Gallery also includes music to be performed by the women’s chamber choir conducted by Olga Kosiborod.


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