The Russian Academy Of Arts

The Jubilee of the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Marat Samsonov

22.03.2010 - 22.03.2010

The President Dmitry Medvedev has congratulated the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Marat Samsonov on his 85th anniversary. In his telegram Dmitry Medvedev noted: “You are a participant of the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Parade. You have lived through a hard life and creative school, painted a number of distinguished canvases devoted to crucial pages in the history of this country: the Battle of Kulikovo, the War of 1812, the Battle of Stalingrad and many others.

You created a vast gallery of portraits of our prominent countrymen: military leaders, artists, composers. Your works notable for the depth of feelings and patriotism have become a significant contribution to the Russian culture”.


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