The Russian Academy Of Arts

Zurab Tsereteli’s Prizes for Winners of the 3-rd International Festival of Children’s Artworks

10.12.2007 - 10.12.2007

     The 3-rd International Festival of Children’s Artworks featuring 500 paintings by young artists aged four to seventeen from eighteen countries opened in Tsereteli Art Gallery in Moscow on December 9, 2007. Among the participants were physically challenged and orphan children.
     The special prizes of the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli were awarded to: Nezakhet Selek, 11 years old, Moscow international school N56;  Natasha Pavlova, 10 years old, Center for the International Project -21 Century Gallery; Lyusya Tomova, 5 years old, Small Prince Studio, Moscow; Eugenia Shirkina, 11 years old, Small Prince Studio, Moscow;  Ann Pakhomova, 7 years old, E. Kolchenok Art School, Mytischi.
     The award ceremony was followed by master class by Zurab Tsereteli.  

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