One Hundred Years of Russian Graphic Arts Exhibition

     From October 30 – January 13, 2008 on display in Tsereteli Art Gallery (19 Prechistenka street, Moscow) will be an exhibition “One Hundred Years of Russian Graphic Arts” comprising drawings and water color paintings of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century from the collection  of the Vologda Regional Art Gallery.
     This is the second exhibition arranged by the Russian Academy of Arts in association with the Vologda region Department of Culture and Vologda Regional Art Gallery.  The first show “Two Hundred Years of Russian Art” in 2006 was very popular with the Moscow public.
     The present exposition includes drawings by Paul Chistyakov and Michael Klodt, water colors by P. Sokolov, illustrations by Konstantin Flavitski and others. Well-represented is graphic art by artists of the Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions, Ivan Shishkin, Vladimir Makovski.
      Among works of the last decade of the 19th century are drawings by prominent Russian painters Michael Vrubel and Valentin Serov.
     Visitors will have a good opportunity to see works by masters of leading art associations  of the turn of the 20th century including masterpieces  by artists of the  World of Art group: Alexander Benois, Mstislav Dobuzhinski, Zinaida Serebryakova, Eugene Lanceray, Boris Kustodiev, Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva. Of big interest  are illustrations by Konstantin Petrov-Vodkin.
     In the 1920th ,  the Moscow and Leningrad  schools of graphic art were in the process of forming their stylistic peculiarities. Moscow was represented by such noted artists as Russian constructivist painter Natan Altman, Alexander Shevchenko, N. Chernyshev, N. Simonivich-Efimova. The Leningrad (St. Petersburg) school, keeping on the traditions of the World of Art group,  distinguished itself by the perfection of lines and forms.
     The major genre of the Second World War time drawings was a portrait.  Among the exhibits are portraits made by Peter Miturich and Ilya Mashkov  in war hospitals.  The post-war graphic art is represented by works by A. Kokorin, V. Alfeevski and many other artists.

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